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Interesting about tableware and ceramics

Features of ceramic cookware

Clay pottery has the ability to draw negative negative energy out of people and fill it with that which it has received over many centuries, if not millennia, from the sun, air, water, earth – the four primary elements and elements.
Ceramics should be used only for their intended purpose. Cookware can be used in electric and gas ovens. But it is recommended to put pottery in the least heated oven and gradually heat up to the necessary temperature for cooking.

It is not recommended to expose ceramic products to sudden temperature changes, i.e. utensils in which foods are frozen or chilled, should not be placed directly from the refrigerator into the hot oven.

Ceramic dishes can be used in a microwave oven (except for teapots, coffee pots, pitchers). Coffee pots, teapots before pouring boiling water into them should always be rinsed with hot water and it is strictly prohibited to put these products on electric stoves or open flame, to use for boiling water electric heating devices like “boilers” as well as to heat their contents in microwave or electric stoves.

Ceramic dishes should be washed in warm water, using dishwashing detergent. Terracotta vases are only provided for dry, artificial flowers and arrangements.

Do you want to surprise your friends, guests or family with a tasty treat without spending much time in the kitchen? Then it’s time to get acquainted with terracotta cookware.

Food cooked in terracotta crockery is very healthy because the dishes are made of environmentally friendly red clay, without any additives, and as we know, red clay removes toxins from the body and cures many diseases. Cooked in this dish has a special taste and aroma.

You can cook meat, fish, vegetables and bake food without adding fats in the terracotta crockery. Cooking technology is simple and does not require special knowledge.

Each time before using the dish and the lid for 10 minutes drop it in a container of cold water. Place the cooked food in the dish, tightly close the lid and put in the oven, gradually heating, cook at a temperature of 225-250 ° C for 35 to 55 minutes. Finished dish remove from the oven and serve.

To make the terracotta crockery serve you for a long time, you should fulfill three conditions: never put the crockery on the open fire; to cook any dish, do not put the crockery immediately into the hot oven; wash it in warm water, with a little washing-up liquid added.

There is no doubt that Winnie the Pooh’s pot was ceramic. Simple ceramic tableware has many useful properties that porcelain, earthenware and crystal do not have. The structure of ceramics is such that it first absorbs moisture, and then gives it away. Ceramic dishes know how to regulate the temperature and humidity. And it does it no worse than a thermos. So, the compote left in a ceramic jug, will be cool even in the sun, and tea or coffee in a ceramic teapot will be warm for several hours.

And in general, ceramic dishes are ideal for storing food. That’s why for centuries, ceramics have been popular in the villages. Milk in a jug could stand and not sour for three or four days, and jams and pickles were stored in ceramic pots without lids for almost a year, and not turned moldy. If you fill the flour or cereal in a ceramic pot, then bugs will not get into them. In addition, the ceramic pot is an excellent substitute for the pot. Porcelain and earthenware in the oven will break, but ceramics will only get stronger. One bad thing – ceramic products quickly absorb grease, which makes them very difficult to clean. This defect is devoid of only those ceramic dishes, which are covered with lead glaze. However, it is impossible to distinguish the lead glaze from the ordinary one by eye.